Climate Coalition

How has partnering with Causewave helped your collaboration advance its mission and/or goals? 
We've been working with Causewave since shortly after we became an official nonprofit, and have been very grateful for the sound guidance and practical support that we've received all along. Causewave helped us develop our initial intended impact, theory of change, brand identity, and communications plan,— all of which were critically important steps in our journey to becoming an effective organization. Causewave has also facilitated our efforts to engage with a diverse range of prominent partner organizations, who may have been uninterested in collaborating with a small, grassroots organization like ours, had it not been for Causewave's participation and support.

How is your collaboration “a catalyst for meaningful change” in our community?
Climate change is an urgent, complex issue that requires the implementation of large-scale solutions. Getting this work done in a swift and equitable manner requires extensive coordination and collaboration across many agencies and sectors. Since forming in 2014, the Accelerator’s primary role has been to facilitate collaboration among organizations that are working to address climate change and related concerns. By coordinating and aligning the climate initiatives of many local organizations, we increase the effectiveness and efficiency of our region’s climate movement, breaking down silos that would otherwise divide us. This allows us to leverage the combined power of our collaborative networks to achieve large-scale, locally relevant climate solutions.

Can you share some of your most recent success stories? 
We are very proud of the work we did as intervenors in RG&E's rate case. Although the process isn't 100% finished yet, it seems that our participation (along with that of several other climate advocacy groups from around the state) has resulted in significant climate wins, including RG&E's commitment to zero net growth in gas. We're also quite proud of our new Color Your Community Green initiative, through which we have facilitated the formation of climate-focused citizen action groups in several local municipalities.  

Why do you think there is cause for hope when considering the future of our community? 
I feel hopeful when I see organizations working together effectively to address intersectional issues, which seems to be happening more and more in our community. Causewave plays an important and valuable role in facilitating these collaborative efforts.

Abigail McHugh-Grifa, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Climate Coalitions Accelerator


2020 Census Monroe & Ontario County Partnership


Spotlight: Norma Holland