Get Screened Finger Lakes: Cancer Screening Awareness

For years, the Cancer Services Program of Monroe County (CSPMC) has been partnering with Causewave Community Partners on a messaging campaign focused on encouraging the uninsured or under-insured population to get breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screenings. 

In the Rochester area, research shows a lack of insurance coverage is just one of many barriers to individuals seeking out and receiving cancer screenings. Other screening barriers include: fear of finding cancer, confusing screening guidelines, and not having time to get screened. The Get Screened Rochester initiative is all about connecting our community members with local resources that can help them overcome cancer screening barriers.

Our partners include Cancer Services Program of Monroe County, Center for Community Health-URMC, Common Ground Health, Greater Rochester American Cancer Society, Jordan Health, Martino Flynn, Paychex, Rochester Regional Health, and Wilmot Cancer Institute.

Visit for more information.


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